Training Courses

In its efforts to establish training course and awareness programs of high standards, MUSAWA tries to build linkages, networks and partnerships with other organizations operating in and outside Palestine. Since MUSAWA does not has expertise in all legal fields, it will utilize the expertises of other organizations in MUSAWA's training course programs to create synergy and avoid overlap. Below is an overview of all of MUSAWA's partners who play a key role in the training course program.


If your organization wants to be part of MUSAWA's training course program, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Announcement: Moot Court Training on Sharia Court Verdicts or Decisions

Date 2018-08-15


Announcement: Moot Court Training on Sharia Court Verdicts or Decisions

Category Gaza / Announcement

Registration Announcement


Moot Court Training Program



As part of its contribution to enhancing the capacities of the Palestinian lawyers; MUSAWA – The Palestinian Center for the Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession, in cooperation with the Palestinian Sharia Lawyers Association, announces ...


MUSAWA Organizes Training Workshops on the Monitoring and Documentation of Vi...

Date 2018-08-14


MUSAWA Organizes Training Workshops on the Monitoring and Documentation of Violations for Students at Gaza University

Category Gaza / Announcement

MUSAWA Organizes Training Workshops on the Monitoring and Documentation of Violations for Students at Gaza University


Proceeding from its endeavors to build strategic partnerships with partner institutions to promote the rule of the law principle through monitoring and documenting the violations of a fair trial, the Palestinian Center for the Independence of the ...


MUSAWA Launches a Series Of Training Courses to Build the Capacity of the CBO...

Date 2018-07-24

LOCATION West Bank and Gaza Strip

MUSAWA Launches a Series Of Training Courses to Build the Capacity of the CBOs Starting with Monitoring and Documentation of Violations

Category Human Rights Defenders / West Bank / Gaza / Announcement

MUSAWA Holds A Capacity Building Program for the Grassroots Organizations Entitled:

Monitoring and Complaints Mechanisms and the Monitoring and Documentation of Violations

MUSAWA – The Palestinian Centre for the Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession organized and held a training program in the Gaza Strip governorates to build the ...



Have you been a victim or a witness of a right violation that requires the attention of MUSAWA? Let us know!

1. Contact our offices



+970 2 2424870



+970 8 2880772

2. Contact our network

Lawyers for the rule of law group

3. File a complaint online

Online complaint form


Apply online to participate in one of our tailor made training courses in different domains.

Check out our training courses
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