Palestinian Human Rights Defenders



MUSAWA is awarded a grant by the European Union for the implementation of the action entitled: "Empowering Palestinian Human Rights Defenders".



Brief description of the project:

The overall objective of this action is to enhance the respect and the promotion of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in Palestine and to empower Palestinian Human Rights Defenders (hereinafter PHRDs). Under this general goal four specific objectives have been identified:


  1. Create a new and more qualified class of PHRDs by building their legal capacities and raising their knowledge and technical skills. The action will aim at providing PHRDs with a social theoretical and practical knowledge in human rights.
  2. Improve the monitoring system in compliance with international standards and enhance the legal protection of PHRDs by creating a permanent monitoring system for the violations of PHRDs' rights and providing free legal aid to those PHRDs who have been victims of violations.
  3. Improve PHRDs' connection among each other, local communities as well as the international community by creating a PHRDs platform to collect needs and complaints of the population and to convey them into the correct channels.
  4. Improve public opinion and knowledge about the role and importance of the HRDs in Palestine by raising awareness amongst Palestinians and involving the immediate PHRDs communities in a system of protection and monitoring.

More information can be found on the PHRDs' website.


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