Statement: Time to Fulfill Citizens’ Right to Acquire, Disseminate and Access Information

Date 2023-10-01

LOCATION ًWest Bank and Gaza

Statement: Time to Fulfill Citizens’ Right to Acquire, Disseminate and Access Information

Category West Bank / Gaza / position paper

Time to Fulfill Citizens’ Right to Acquire, Disseminate and Access Information This week, the world celebrates the international day of the right to access, acquire and disseminate information. This right has been legalized in many nations, most notably Sweden, which issued a law safeguarding this right in 1776, 257 years ago; yet, our people continue to be denied the legalization and official recognition of this right, even though it is contained in the Social Contract (The Declaration of Independence and The Basic Law), and in many covenants and international declarations to ...


MUSAWA  Portends of another Nakbah and Demands that Perpetrators be Revealed and Held Accountable, and Calls for Code of Honor Criminalizing Violence and Use of Weapons

Date 2023-09-25

LOCATION west bank and gaza

MUSAWA  Portends of another Nakbah and Demands that Perpetrators be Revealed and Held Accountable, and Calls for Code of Honor Criminalizing Violence and Use of Weapons

Category West Bank / Gaza / position paper

To Avoid a New Nakbeh We Demand that offenders be revealed and held accountable, and a code of honor that criminalizes violence and use of weapons. MUSAWA – The Palestinian Center for the Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession – deems that it is its national, legal, and humanitarian duty to warn of the emergence of a new Nakbeh, symbolized by the escalation of conflict and division that grows into a geographical, family, and social division. A new...



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