MUSAWA Launches a Series Of Training Courses to Build the Capacity of the CBOs Starting with Monitoring and Documentation of Violations
  • MUSAWA Launches a Series Of Training Courses to Build the Capacity of the CBOs Starting with Monitoring and Documentation of Violations
  • MUSAWA Launches a Series Of Training Courses to Build the Capacity of the CBOs Starting with Monitoring and Documentation of Violations
  • MUSAWA Launches a Series Of Training Courses to Build the Capacity of the CBOs Starting with Monitoring and Documentation of Violations
  • MUSAWA Launches a Series Of Training Courses to Build the Capacity of the CBOs Starting with Monitoring and Documentation of Violations
  • MUSAWA Launches a Series Of Training Courses to Build the Capacity of the CBOs Starting with Monitoring and Documentation of Violations
  • MUSAWA Launches a Series Of Training Courses to Build the Capacity of the CBOs Starting with Monitoring and Documentation of Violations
  • MUSAWA Launches a Series Of Training Courses to Build the Capacity of the CBOs Starting with Monitoring and Documentation of Violations
  • MUSAWA Launches a Series Of Training Courses to Build the Capacity of the CBOs Starting with Monitoring and Documentation of Violations
  • MUSAWA Launches a Series Of Training Courses to Build the Capacity of the CBOs Starting with Monitoring and Documentation of Violations

Date 2018-07-24

LOCATION West Bank and Gaza Strip

Category Human Rights Defenders / West Bank / Gaza / Announcement

MUSAWA Holds A Capacity Building Program for the Grassroots Organizations Entitled:

Monitoring and Complaints Mechanisms and the Monitoring and Documentation of Violations

MUSAWA – The Palestinian Centre for the Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession organized and held a training program in the Gaza Strip governorates to build the capacities of the grassroots organizations on the monitoring and complaints mechanisms as well as the monitoring and documentation of violations. The training program, which targeted 80 participants, including 45 women, was conducted after the signing of memorandums of understanding with a number of grassroots organizations in Gaza, aiming to create a joint effort towards establishing a culture of the rule of law and human rights amongst the Palestinian community. The training program was held in Dr. Haidar Abdel Shafi Center for Culture and Development, Childhood Services and Family Care Association, Kun Ensan (Be Human) Team; a group of people with disabilities, Youth Development Association, Al-Waleed Charitable Society, Brilliant Tomorrow for Home Sons Society, Al-Bawasil Charitable Society, Hai Al-Salam Charitable Society, and Palestinian El Najada Association.

The implementation of the training program started on July 2, 2018, and ended on July 12, with a total of 9 training days. Each of the training days lasted for 5 hours, and the trainings were conducted in all of the Gaza Strip governorates (North Gaza, Gaza, Khan Younis, and Rafah). The trainings discussed the concept of complaints and their types, the purpose of receiving complaints and the skills necessary for doing so. It also included working group exercises on the limits of the Complaints Units’ specialization and the use of the Complaint Form. In addition, the trainings focused on the definitions of monitoring, documentation, and violations, as well as the basic principles for monitoring and documentation, the monitoring and documentation of human rights violations and monitoring tools. There were also working group exercises on field the monitoring and monitoring forms and processing tools. Evaluation forms, as well as the training material and MUSAWA’s manuals on monitoring and documentation, were disseminated to the participants.

The training program was conducted by Adv. Rula Moussa, Legal Monitoring Officer at MUSAWA. The trainings included the provision of worksheets and practical applications of factual complaints and linking them to the surrounding environment of the participants, in addition to forming working groups. At the end of the trainings, several legal consultations were provided to the participants, who recommended holding more specialized courses in the field of human rights, and extending the training material over several days, in order to increase the participants’ knowledge in establishing a culture of the rule of law and human rights.


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