MUSAWA Conducts a Training Course in The High Criminal Court and the Cyber-crime decree-laws
Proceeding from MUSAWA’s position that is committed to the rejectionist position of the Palestinian civil society organizations on issuing decree-laws by the executive authority at the time of the legislative authority’s absence, and from our commitment to our rejectionist position on the High Criminal Court and The Cyber-crime decree-laws, and with a view to provide lawyers with a deeper understanding of what is provided for in the recently issued legislation, and to build their capacities in handling cases to which these decree-laws were referred, MUSAWA conducted a training program on these two decree-laws. Thirty-three lawyers, 20 among them were women, participated in the training program that took place at MUSAWA’s office in Ramallah, for four consecutive days, 3 hours per day, during July and August.
The training course in the High Criminal Court decree- law included an explanation of the decree-laws articles, the high criminal court’s competencies, the concurrence of crimes, and the competence of the Juvenile Court, the adherence of the Juveniles Act with the Penal Code, and some practical applications and exercises.
As for the training course in the Cyber-crime decree-law No 10 of 2018, which was lectured by the prosecutor, Adv. Imad Hammad, who explained, in details, the law’s articles; and clarified the technical proceedings followed by general prosecution in cyber-crimes investigation, especially what relates to controlling, previewing and inspecting in the electronic environment; and also the standards of choosing cyber-crimes’ experts, the elements of the cyber-crime, the jurisdiction of the judge to accept evidences on cyber-crimes, the balance in the drafting of the freedom of personal communications and cyber-crimes, the steps to derive the e-evidence and reserving it, and the role of electronic service and electronic information, in both kinds: still and mobile, providers, and how to reserve still and mobile data in the crime’s scene and among service providers, as well as some practical applications and exercises.
At the end of the program, the participants recommended that the training material should be published, for their importance and their newness for lawyers, and to increase the number of the training courses that relate to such decree-laws, as most of the lawyers are not familiar with their procedures.