West Bank and Gaza
Aiming at unifying the efforts of the unsuccessful candidates and the elected coordinators, enhancing participation and democracy in the work to activate the role of the Palestinian Human Rights Defenders (hereinafter PHRDs) Network and contribute to its goals, and agreeing on a mechanism for the Network’s members to carry-out activities in the upcoming period, the first central meeting for the PHRDs Network’s coordinators was held by MUSAWA in cooperation with the Network and with the attendance of all candidates who were unsuccessful in the general elections held at the end of May 2016 as well as those who won the elections. The meeting was held at MUSAWA’s Ramallah Office and Gaza’s office was present through video conference, targeting 24 participants.
The meeting addressed many topics, including an evaluation of the Network’s general meeting and elections mechanism, the tasks assigned to the elected general coordinators and the media and public relations coordinators, the Palestinian Human Rights Defenders Declaration (PHRDD) in terms of the Network’s contribution, and the upcoming activities and joint cooperation. That is in addition to establishing a working system for the Network and its structure, including the legal clinic and monitoring, documenting, and addressing violations against human rights defenders.
This meeting comes as a part of a project to empower human rights defenders, carried-out by MUSAWA in both the West Bank and Gaza Strip, with the support of the European Union.