Legal Memos

Legal memos aim to draw the attention of Palestinian decision makers to violations of the law whilst highlighting the appropriate means available to enforce the law in the best possible manner in accordance with international criteria. These memos contribute effectively to MUSAWA's strategic goal to contribute to the upholding of the rule of law in the State of Palestine.


Below is an overview of most legal memos that were sent by MUSAWA. In addition the legal memos are published in our multi-annual magazine Eye on Justice, which can be found here.

Breach of the Provisions of Local Elections Law

Date 2016-08-31


Breach of the Provisions of Local Elections Law

Category Gaza

Esteemed members of the Central Elections Commission,   Subject: Breach of the Provisions of the Local Elections Law Breach details:   Lawyer Etidal Mohammad Abdul Rahman Al-Shami, a candidate under the Bloc of National Liberation and Building as part of the local elections to be held on 08/10, informed the local elections observer from Khan Yunis, Eman Hamdan Abdul Raheem Fayyad, who is registered in the local election-observers list on behalf of MUSAWA – The ...


MUSAWA Condemns Extralegal Killing of Ahmad Halaweh

Date 2016-08-23


MUSAWA Condemns Extralegal Killing of Ahmad Halaweh

Category West Bank

MUSAWA – The Palestinian Center for the Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession condemns the security services’ assault on the citizen Ahmad Halaweh following his arrest, which lead to his death according to statements by Nablus’s governor, Major General Akram Rajoub, to the media. In his statements, the Major General pointed out the arrest of the aforementioned citizen on Tuesday 23/08/2016 at dawn, and his detention at Al-Junaid Prison, where tens of security-service members beat to death the unarmed detainee inside the prison. This assault, which falls und...


Memo on Palestinian Human Rights Defenders Declaration

Date 2016-08-15

LOCATION Ramallah & Gaza

Memo on Palestinian Human Rights Defenders Declaration

Category Human Rights Defenders / West Bank / Gaza

Palestinian Bar Association along with 160 Civil Society Organizations  Demand Rapid Adoption, Approval, Issuance and Enforcement of  Palestinian Human Rights Defenders Declaration On 15/08/2016, the Palestinian Bar Association along with 160 civil society organizations, including the Palestinian NGOs Network which consists of more than 130 civil society organizations; the General Union of Palestinian Women; MUSAWA – The Palestinian Center for the Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession; the Palestinia...



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